Flavours To Savour

How To Make Blanched Tomato Puree? Step-by-Step Guide To Make Puree Easily!

Tomato is one such ingredient which can be used in multi-cuisines without any much ado. There are so many ways one can use Tomatoes while trying his or her hands in the kitchen. Almost every other savoury recipe requires the usage of Tomatoes.

It is one of the very basic ingredients we use in the kitchen. It may be used in multiple forms: chopped, raw or puree. Like Potatoes and Onions, Tomatoes are the very basic items that one requires in the kitchen. I have always found them helpful, be it for garnishing, for salads or for making gravy too.

Tomato Puree is quite a handy item to make too. It helps by being a base to other savoury recipes. Earlier, I had always wondered what exactly Blanched Tomato Puree is; until one fine day I tried it myself and realised that it was no rocket science, and decided to share the method with you.

Now let’s not waste any more time and directly move to the very basic cooking that is how to make tomato puree at home.

Cook Time: 15-20 mins

Level of Cooking: Easy


  1. Tomatoes – As per your requirement
  2. Water (to boil) – Enough to immerse all tomatoes


  1. Put Water to heat in a pan.
  2. As soon as the Water boils once add Tomatoes to it.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid.
  4. Bring out the Tomatoes out of Water. They must be really hot so let it cool for 5 minutes.
  5. After 5 minutes, chop the Tomatoes in large pieces and add them to a mixer grinder.
  6. Grind them well.
  7. Once done sieve the mixture with the help of a spoon.
  8. Your Tomato Puree is ready.

Chef’s Tip:

Remember to use this Tomato Puree instantly, as you cannot store it for a longer time.

Note: We will soon be coming up with a Recipe for another Tomato Puree that can be easily preserved for a longer time!

Do try and let me know how it turned out. Like, Share, and do Comment below!

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