Flavours To Savour

Paper Boat Energy Drinks Review: Know More About Aamras, Jamun Kala Khatta, and Chilli Guava Flavours and Take a Trip Down the Memory Lane

Paper Boat Energy Drinks are non-carbonated and fizz-free. These are ready-to-serve fruit beverages. With the drinks being made from natural fruits, flowers, pulses and spices completely, the brand’s slogan ‘Drinks and Memories’, lives up to its bill.

Just as they have advertised it, having a sip of Paper Boat drinks will surely take you to a trip down the memory lane. The brand claims to have used no added colours, flavours, or preservatives in any of its variants. They have many flavours to savour such as Jaljeera, Jamun, Aamras, Aam Panna, Guava and the list just goes on. Are you planning to buy this product anytime soon? Click here to buy it online.

Earlier, I had tried and reviewed Paper Boat Aam Panna, where I’d simply loved the flavour. As summers are here again, I thought to try other flavours of Paper Boat Energy Drinks too and put up a detailed review. So, I am here with a full review of three new different flavours.

Paper Boat Energy Drinks retail for Rs. 30.00 for a packet of 250 ml. If you haven’t had any experience of having a Paper Boat drink yet, and want to know what my experience was, read the detailed review below:

As I mentioned, I got three new flavours of this Paper Boat drink. They were – Paper Boat Aamras, Paper Boat Jamun Kala Khatta and Paper Boat Chilli Guava. Since the Paper Boat brand is all about childhood memories, I do have some really special memories with all of these flavours.

Flavour: Paper Boat Aamras

Expectation: I exactly remember how during summers in my childhood, Aamras used to be my perfect treat. I could suffice all my dinner and lunch appetite with Chapati and Aamras only. I loved it so very much that one bowl of the latter was never enough.

Reality: It was not as thick as the actual Aamras is, but was very thin in consistency; nonetheless, it tasted good. It tastes just like other Mango juices, i.e. Frooti, Maaza etc., available in the market. You can try this variant just for the sake of trying this flavour in this brand. You get 300 ml of Frooti for Rs. 19 only, which is way too cheaper comparatively. (Also Read: Paper Boat Aam Panna Product Review: Should One Try This Refreshing Drink?)

Flavour: Paper Boat Jamun Kala Khatta

Expectation: In case of Jamun Kala Khatta, I have memories of going to my grandmother’s place to meet her during my summer vacation, and how every evening, I would wait for the Chuski (Ice-Pop) vendor to arrive so that I could beat all my Summer Blues with Ice Gola in multiple flavours. Kala Khatta used to be one of my favourite flavours. I remember how I would never stop at having one Ice Gola at a time. It was love, and it still is.

Reality: I did not like this flavour at all. Many people around me tried too, and they had a similar review. Maybe it is because I am not a fan of Jamun flavour.

Flavour: Paper Boat Chilli Guava Flavour

Expectation: As for Chilli Guava flavour, I do not have many childhood memories as I never liked having Guavas. Because, its seeds would get stuck in my mouth and that annoyed me, big time! Hence, I have always preferred having Guava in the form of juice only, as I am such a fan of the flavour! Even now, whenever asked, I would choose Guava juice over any other flavour – and it’s such a treat!

Reality: Frankly speaking, I’d I expected a lot from this particular flavour. It was not as good as per my expectations; however, the flavour is good in its own essence. It tastes a lot like Guava and is slightly chilli too. (Learn Watermelon Ice Cooler: Beat Your Summer Blues Wih This Slushy Drink!)

How is the Packaging of Paper Boat Energy Drinks?

The packaging game of Paper Boat Drinks is quite stupendous. It doesn’t use the usual plastic bottles to serve the beverage but gives it in sturdy matte packaging. It has one-of-its-kind packaging and no other beverage brand does such amazing packaging. It’s sealed with a seal tight cap which is easy to open and having said that, it won’t leak so you can easily keep it in your bag. They definitely score more points for their packaging.

Review of Paper Boat Energy Drinks in a Nutshell:


Talking about these three flavours of Paper Boat drinks particularly, I think you can give them a miss if you have already tried them, or love some other drinks in the same flavour. You can definitely give them a shot if you want to try this particular brand or the unique flavours. You can also try these drinks for its natural flavourings.

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